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尹升燕,男,BET356在线体育投注网址教授,博士生导师。2009年毕业于BET356在线体育投注网址超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室,获得理学博士学位。2009年至2013年,在新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究(合作导师:陈晓东院士)。20138月作为学术骨干进入BET356在线体育投注网址任教,2018年被聘为教授。主要从事石墨烯材料在生物医学中的应用研究(包括肿瘤诊疗一体化研究,循环肿瘤细胞的分离与检测,生物传感和药物传输研究)。近年来,获得授权发明专利24,并Advanced Functional MaterialsACS Nano,Chemical Engineering Journal,SmallApplied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalChemical Science等国际重要的学术杂志发表SCI收录论文80余篇,SCI3400余次,H因子31.


1. 循环肿瘤细胞富集检测(Detection of circulating tumor cells)

2. 聚合物纳米粒子的制备及其生物诊疗应用(Polymer dots)

3. 生命体代谢过程中的重要生物分子检测(Detection of biological molecules)

4. 生物传感和药物传输(Biosensor and Drug delivery)


1. 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于石墨烯新型三维结构的循环肿瘤细胞选择性捕获与传感研究,在研,主持。

2. 2014-2016,国家自然科学基金青年基金,半导体纳米粒子/石墨烯多级结构电极的制备及光电性能研究,结题,主持。

3. 2014-2016,吉林省科技厅青年基金,新型半导体纳米粒子/石墨烯仿生多级结构光电极的研制,结题,主持。

4. 2014-2018,国家自然科学基金重点项目,开关/闪烁可控聚合物量子点的设计制备及纳米分辨动态光学成像研究,结题,主要参加人。


1. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖,二等奖,2018.05,第一获奖人。

2. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖,三等奖,2018.05,第二获奖人。






1. Zhang, Z.;  Wu, Y.;  Lin, N.;  Yin, S.*; Meng, Z.*, Monitoring Clinical-Pathological Grading of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using MicroRNA-Guided Semiconducting Polymer Dots. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14, 7717-7730.

2. Yang, J.;  Wu, Y.;  Dong, Y.;  Cui, H.;  Shi, C.;  Sun, H.; Yin, S.*, Bi@H-TiO2/B-C3N4 heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen generation activity under visible light. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2022, 111, 509-518.

3. Yang, J.;  Shi, C.;  Dong, Y.;  Su, H.;  Sun, H.;  Guo, Y.; Yin, S.,* Efficient hydrogen generation of vector Z-scheme CaTiO3/Cu/TiO2 photocatalyst assisted by cocatalyst Cu nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 605, 373-384.

4. Wu, Y.;  Yang, H.;  Shi, C.;  Sun, H.;  Yin, S.*; Wang, G.*, Luminescence-enhanced conjugated polymer dots through thermal treatment for cell imaging. Biomaterials Science 2022, 10, 4764-4772.

5. Wu, Y.;  Shi, C.;  Wang, G.;  Sun, H.; Yin, S.*, Recent advances in the development and applications of conjugated polymer dots. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2022, 10, 2995.

6. Su, H.;  Yin, S.*;  Yang, J.;  Wu, Y.;  Shi, C.;  Sun, H.; Wang, G.*, In situ monitoring of circulating tumor cell adhered on three-dimensional graphene/ZnO macroporous structure by resistance change and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Electrochimica Acta 2021, 393, 139093.

7. Yang, J.;  Su, H.;  Wu, Y.;  Li, D.;  Zhang, D.;  Sun, H.; Yin, S.*, Facile synthesis of kermesinus BiOI with oxygen vacancy for efficient hydrogen generation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 127607.

8. Wu, Y.;  Su, H.;  Yang, J.;  Wang, Z.;  Li, D.;  Sun, H.;  Guo, X.; Yin, S.*, Photoelectrochemical immunosensor for sensitive detection of alpha-fetoprotein based on a graphene honeycomb film. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2020, 580, 583-591.

9. Fang, X.;  Men, X.;  Chen, H.;  Zhang, Y.-M.;  Sun, H.;  Yin, S.*; Qin, W.*, Fabrication and photoelectric properties of bio-inspired honeycomb film based on semiconducting polymer. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 512, 1-6.

10. Men, X.;  Wu, Y.;  Chen, H.;  Fang, X.;  Sun, H.;  Yin, S.*; Qin, W., Facile fabrication of TiO2/Graphene composite foams with enhanced photocatalytic properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 703, 251-257.

11. Men, X.;  Chen, H.;  Chang, K.;  Fang, X.;  Wu, C.;  Qin, W.; Yin, S.*, Three-dimensional free-standing ZnO/graphene composite foam for photocurrent generation and photocatalytic activity. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2016, 187, 367-374.

12. Yin, S.*;  Men, X.;  Sun, H.;  She, P.;  Zhang, W.;  Wu, C.;  Qin, W.; Chen, X.*, Enhanced photocurrent generation of bio-inspired graphene/ZnO composite films. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 12016-12022.

13. Liu, Z.;  Xu, K.;  Sun, H.*; Yin, S.*, One-Step Synthesis of Single-Layer MnO2 Nanosheets with Multi-Role Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate for High-Performance Pseudocapacitors. Small 2015, 11, 2182-2191.

14. Yin, S.*;  Wu, Y.-L.;  Hu, B.;  Wang, Y.;  Cai, P.;  Tan, C. K.;  Qi, D.;  Zheng, L.;  Leow, W. R.;  Tan, N. S.;  Wang, S.; Chen, X., Three-Dimensional Graphene Composite Macroscopic Structures for Capture of Cancer Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2014, 1, 1300043.

15. Yin, S.*;  Goldovsky, Y.;  Herzberg, M.;  Liu, L.;  Sun, H.;  Zhang, Y.;  Meng, F.;  Cao, X.;  Sun, D. D.;  Chen, H.;  Kushmaro, A.; Chen, X., Functional Free-Standing Graphene Honeycomb Films. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23, 2972-2978.

16. Yin, S.*;  Niu, Z.; Chen, X., Assembly of Graphene Sheets into 3D Macroscopic Structures. Small 2012, 8, 2458-2463.

17. Yin, S.*;  Zhang, Y.;  Kong, J.;  Zou, C.;  Li, C. M.;  Lu, X.;  Ma, J.;  Boey, F. Y. C.; Chen, X., Assembly of Graphene Sheets into Hierarchical Structures for High-Performance Energy Storage. ACS Nano 2011, 5, 3831-3838.

18. 尹升燕,孙航,门孝菊,吴长锋,秦伟平,陈昊彬, 一种蜂窝结构石墨烯/氧化锌纳米棒复合薄膜、制备方法及应用,中国发明专利(专利号:2014107662559)

19. 尹升燕孙航陈昊彬秦伟平门孝菊房晓峰,一种仿生蜂窝状大孔有序结构给受体半导体聚合物薄膜、制备方法及其应用,中国发明专利(专利号:2017106650774)

20. 尹升燕吴逸伦孙航曾珊秦伟平,一种矩形氧化锌光催化剂、制备方法及其在光催化分解水制氢中的应用,中国发明专利(专利号:2017110920225)

21. 尹升燕付云浩孙航吴逸伦秦伟平,一种共轭聚合物纳米粒子光催化剂、制备方法及其应用,中国发明专利(专利号:2017110920244)

22. 尹升燕吴逸伦孙航苏童秦伟平,制备基于共轭聚合物纳米粒子的光电化学检测探针及应用,中国发明专利(专利号:2019104619526)

23. 尹升燕吴逸伦苏贺秦伟平,一种氧化锌/氢氧化锌气凝胶及其制备方法,专利号:2018115221503)






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